Picking up plastic bottle on beach

Photo by Marta Ortigosa

It is very easy and convenient to buy a bottle of water when you go to beaches, pools or the gym, but there are some facts you need to know before you buy plastic bottles:

  • 7575% of all plastic produced has become waste.
  • 91 – 91% of all plastic bottles don’t even get recycled (National Geography)
  • 500 – A plastic bottle to completely decompose is about 400-500 years. (friends of the earth)
  • 2,000 – Bottled water is almost 2,000 times more energy-intensive to produce than tap water. (Pacific Institute)
  • 1,200,000 – Humans use about 1.2 million plastic bottles per minute in total. (earthday.org)
  • 8,300,000 – 158 tonnes of PET bottles enter the landfills daily in Hong Kong, which is around 8.3 million bottles. 
  • 50,000,000 – 50 million barrels of oil are dumped into the creation of a year worth of plastic water bottles.

Start saving the planet for our children.

In POKI towel, we treasure the planet and the future of our children.

This is why our recycled multi-purpose towel series want to make an effort in saving our planet, by using recycled materials, saving 20 plastic bottles in each towel, and using recyclable and lesser packaging materials.

And any new series coming in the future, eco-friendly will be the top priority on the checklist.

Together we can do this.